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时间:2017-05-17 14:06来源:118图库 作者:开奖直播现场 点击:
谢谢关注缓慢思考! 原文来自HBR。我一度犹豫要不要翻译,因为文章很长。我还是花了两个晚上翻译整理出来了,原因很简单:霍夫曼是硅谷的人脉王,参与了Paypal、Facebook和Linkedi



  Reid Hoffman is one of Silicon Valley’s grown-ups. After helping to found PayPal, he moved on to found LinkedIn, in 2002, which has turned him into a billionaire. He was an early investor in Facebook and now serves as a partner at the venture capital firm Greylock. He’s written two books, The Start-Up of You (with Ben Casnocha) and The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age (with Casnocha and Chris Yeh).


  In the fall of 2015, Hoffman began teaching a computer science class called Technology-Enabled Blitzscaling at Stanford University, his alma mater, with John Lilly (a partner at Greylock and formerly the CEO of Mozilla), Allen Blue (cofounder of LinkedIn), and Chris Yeh (cofounder of Allied Talent). In this edited interview with Tim Sullivan, the editorial director of HBR Press, Hoffman talks about the challenges, risks, and payoffs of blitzscaling.

  2015年秋天,霍夫曼联合约翰(Greylock的合伙人,以前是Mozilla的首席执行官)、艾伦(LinkedIn的联合创始人)和克里斯(Allied Talent联合创始人)开始在他的母校斯坦福大学教授一门计算机课程:技术驱动的闪电扩张。在接受哈佛商业评论编辑Tim Sullivan的这篇采访中,霍夫曼讨论了闪电扩张的挑战、风险和回报。

  HBR: Let’s start with the basics. What is blitzscaling?


  Hoffman: Blitzscaling is what you do when you need to grow really, really quickly. It’s the science and art of rapidly building out a company to serve a large and usually global market, with the goal of becoming the first mover at scale.


  This is high-impact entrepreneurship. These kinds of companies always create a lot of the jobs and industries of the future. For example, Amazon essentially invented e-commerce. Today, it has over 150,000 employees and has created countless jobs at Amazon sellers and partners. Google revolutionized how we find information—it has over 60,000 employees and has created many more jobs at its AdWords and AdSense partners.


  HBR:Why this focus on fast growth?


  We’re in a networked age. And I don’t mean only the internet. Globalization is a form of network. It adds networks of transport, commerce, payment, and information flows around the world. In such an environment, you have to move faster, because competition from anywhere on the globe may beat you to scale.

