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时间:2017-05-17 14:06来源:118图库 作者:开奖直播现场 点击:
当你进行闪电扩张时,一大堆东西不可避免地出问题,你不可能一下子解决所有问题。 你必须分类。你要修复投资者关心的问题,这样可以拿到更多的钱


  For example, your engineers might be unhappy. You think, Should we build development tools to help them be more productive? Should we allocate a bunch of our engineers to make that happen? But you know that the size of the team will continue to change radically; any tools you create today are going to be obsolete. So you don’t try to solve that problem yet, even though you know that ignoring it will breed organizational unhappiness and that people will be frustrated. In nonblitzscaling circumstances those kinds of issues might be a top priority, but when you’re blitzscaling, sometimes you have to just let them burn. Remember, even if you do solve the problem, it will most likely stay solved only for a short time.


  HBR:Can you alleviate unhappiness by telling people why you’re making certain decisions?


  Yes, but only to a limited extent. What really keeps it all together is the perception that you’re moving at high speed because you’re growing something big, and that you’re going to be part of something successful. Almost every blitzscaling org that I have seen up close has a lot of internal unhappiness. Fuzziness about roles and responsibilities, unhappiness about the lack of a clearly defined sandbox to operate in. “Oh my God, it’s chaos, this place is a mess.” The thing that keeps these companies together—whether it’s PayPal, Google, eBay, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter—is the sense of excitement about what’s happening and the vision of a great future. Because I’m part of a team that’s doing something big, I’ll work through my local unhappiness. Sure, I’d like a tidier sandbox, I’d like to be more efficient, I’d like the organization to be run more smoothly. But I’m willing to let it go because the pain will be worth it.

  是的,但是只能有限的程度上。真正保持大家在一起的是信念,即你们正在高速运转,因为你们正在创造一些伟大的东西,而且你将成为成功的一部分。我近距离看到的几乎每个闪电扩张的公司内部都有很多不快乐。对于角色和责任的模糊,对于缺乏在明确定义的边界里操作。哦,我的上帝,真是混乱,这个地方是一团糟。让这些公司在一起的东西无论是PayPalGoogleeBayFacebookLinkedInTwitter — 是对于正在发生的事情的兴奋,对于伟大的未来愿景的兴奋。因为我是一个做伟大事情的团队的一部分,我会努力解决我的不快乐。当然,我想要一个更边界分明的沙箱,我想要更有效率,我希望组织运行更顺利。但是,我愿意牺牲这些,因为痛苦是值得的。

  愉悦资本,从摩拜单车到蔚来汽车,等待你的NEXT BIG!
