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时间:2017-05-17 14:06来源:118图库 作者:开奖直播现场 点击:
各个层级的专业化变得越发重要。例如,你需要了解如何运行一个大型工程部门, 开奖 ,以及如何在营销中花费大量资金。你需要使用仪表板、分析参数


  You also need to have much higher reliability; sometimes the inefficiency that you accepted as you blitzscaled through the village stage is no longer tenable at a larger scale. You have to hire people who know how to make sure that your site is never down. And you have to be more careful in your release of engineering product. As a result, you have less adaptability. For example, Facebook famously shifted from a mantra of “Move fast and break things” to “Move fast with stable infrastructure.” You also move from a single-threaded organization to a multi-threaded one, allowing the company to focus on more than one thing at a time. When you’re in a tribe, everybody is attuned to one priority. In a village, you’re likely to start focusing on the thing that you’re going to scale. You’re also beginning to think about side experiments—for example, building developer tools, or experimenting with marketing or other paid acquisition. And you’re likely adding new functions, like corporate development to consider acquisitions. All of this rolls up to your macro goal of succeeding as a company, but as you move from village to city, functions are beginning to be differentiated; you’re really multi-threading. Companies at the city scale usually have more than one main product. They may have one central revenue stream, such as Google’s AdWords or Microsoft Office, but several different products. They’ve built an architecture that determines how the products relate to each other. And each product can be multi-threaded as well. Most Silicon Valley firms go global as they move from village to city, but some are global from Day One. At LinkedIn, we launched with 15 countries on our drop-down list. By the second day, we were getting e-mails from people whose countries were not on the list. It was an interesting geographic lesson for me, because I wasn’t aware that the Faroe Islands was a country until we got a complaint. So I went and read a little history and said, OK, add it to the list. It’s real.

  你还需要具有更高的可靠性;有时候,你闪电扩张通过村庄阶段时接受的低效率到了更大规模时候就不再有效了。你必须聘请知道如何确保网站永不宕机的人。您在发布工程产品时必须更加小心。因此,你的可适应空间会变小。例如,众所周知Facebook快速移动,实现突破的口号转变为快速移动,架构稳定。此外,你也从单线程组织转向多线程组织,允许公司同事不只专注于一件事情。当你在一个部落的时候,每个人都集中到一个优先级的事情上。在一个村子里,你可能会开始关注你要扩张的事情。你也开始考虑其他的实验,例如构建开发人员工具,或尝试营销或其他付费获客。你可能会添加新的业务功能,例如增加企业发展部来考虑收购。所有这一切,都是为了实现公司成功的宏伟目标,但随着你从村庄转移到城市,职能开始有所区别;你真的是多线程了。城市规模的公司通常有不止一个主要产品。他们可能有一个中央收入来源,例如GoogleAdWordsMicrosoft Office,但有几种不同的产品。他们建立了一种可以确定产品之间如何相互关联的架构。并且每个产品也可以是多线程的。大多数硅谷公司在从村庄迁移到城市规模的时候走向全球市场,但有些则是第一天开始就是全球化的公司。在LinkedIn,发布的时候,我们的下拉列表上就有15个国家。到了第二天,我们就收到来自国家不在名单上的人的电子邮件。对我来说这是一个有趣的地理课,因为我不知道法罗群岛是一个国家,直到我们收到投诉。所以我去读了一点历史,然后把它添加到了列表里面。它是真实的。



  HBR:Do different pockets of the company use different playbooks?


  Yes. For example, Google developed two device operating systems simultaneously: Android and Chrome. When Google acquired Andy Rubin and his start-up, Android Inc., Andy was set up as an entrepreneur within Google, focused on this experiment, and accountable to Larry Page. From Google’s corporate resources perspective, it was a matter of asking Andy what he needed to make the project work.
