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报码:Chinese Artsy Hub Douban Undergoing Major Adjustment as i(4)

时间:2017-08-13 21:23来源:报码现场 作者:本港台直播 点击:
To wrap up, what Douban is trying to do is accumulate users through massive book, film TV series, and music items, and make profit out of them through paid contents such as Douban Time Podcast. As a w

To wrap up, what Douban is trying to do is accumulate users through massive book, film & TV series, and music items, and make profit out of them through paid contents such as Douban Time Podcast. As a whole, Douban is rapidly rising into an active paid content platform and content e-commerce platform.


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[The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Zhang Yuan. Please note the source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

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