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时间:2017-06-07 14:22来源:天下彩论坛 作者:本港台直播 点击:
编者按:近期,比特币的价格出现暴涨,这使得它再一次成为了热点话题。不过,仍然有些人对比特币持怀疑态度,而且他们的怀疑是有理由的。Lily Katz 日前在 Bloomberg 上发表了题为

编者按:近期,比特币的价格出现暴涨,这使得它再一次成为了热点话题。不过,仍然有些人对比特币持怀疑态度,而且他们的怀疑是有理由的。Lily Katz 日前在 Bloomberg 上发表了题为“Five Big Reasons Why People Are Still Skeptical About Bitcoin”的文章,详解了人们对比特币仍持怀疑态度的五大原因。


Naysayers point to decline that followed steep climb in 2013.


Dot-com bubble and tulip craze show past market corrections.


Bitcoin’s astronomical rally has cryptocurrency bulls feeling vindicated. Not so fast, skeptics say.


The digital currency’s more than 100 percent surge in the past two months looks eerily familiar, argue the bears, pointing to November 2013, when the price quintupled in short order to top $1,000 for the first time. By Valentine’s Day it was worth around half that, and spent the better part of the next two years languishing below $500.


Then it absolutely exploded -- jumping more than $1,400 in two months. At its height last week, one bitcoin could buy about two ounces of gold. Its champions touted the arrival of blockchain into the mainstream, the coin’s underlying technology which they say can lift the poor out of poverty and make transactions more secure, inexpensive and efficient.


But signs of a top have emerged, detractors warn. On May 25, bitcoin surged more than $300 to a record only to turn tail and close little changed. The $600 round trip was the biggest daily swing in its history. It then slumped 8 percent the next day. Bitcoin was down 1.5 percent to $2,255.50 as of 12:35 p.m. in New York. For bears, that kind of volatility shows the asset’s unreliability as a store of value.


Here are some other reasons why they warn caution is warranted:


Safety Questions 安全问题

This month’s ransomware attacks serve as a reminder that bitcoin is still beloved by hackers and criminals because of its anonymity. The cryptocurrency plunged in 2014 after Tokyo-based Mt. Gox -- then the largest bitcoin exchange -- said it had been breached and then filed for bankruptcy. Its value sank again in August 2016 after hackers stole about $69 million from Hong Kong-based Bitfinex. The exchange has since repaid its customers.

本月爆发的勒索病毒攻击事件警示人们:黑客和罪犯由于其匿名性而对比特币十分偏爱。东京的Mt. Gox是当时最大的比特币交易平台,2014年因违规而申请破产后,加密货币的价格急跌。2016年8月,在香港的Bitfinex被黑客盗窃6900万后,Mt. Gox的价值进一步缩水。该平台已经偿还了其顾客的损失。

Scaling Debate 规模辩论

The bitcoin community has been split for more than a year on how to upgrade its blockchain. The time and fees necessary to verify transactions have climbed to record highs, making it more difficult for businesses to use the currency as a means of payment. While bitcoin executives have said that 2017 might be the year the cryptocurrency really starts to scale, others aren’t so sure.

