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【j2开奖】Mobike Opens Themed Restaurants In Partnership With Wa(3)

时间:2017-04-20 01:01来源:天下彩论坛 作者:118KJ 点击:
Up till now Mobike remains the top force in the industry, accounting for 70% of the market share. It qualifies as a popular star company. However, popularity doesn’t always equal influence. A compan

  Up till now Mobike remains the top force in the industry, accounting for 70% of the market share. It qualifies as a popular star company. However, popularity doesn’t always equal influence. A company’s influence lies in its impact on user mentality, loyalty and recognition. That said, an influential company must possess powerful strength in innovation, business model and patents. It should be a leader that others follow. Only then it’s qualified as an influential company.

  However, Mobike, the top leader in the industry, hasn’t made that far yet. In addition to that, it’s unsure if mergers and acquisitions would appear in the future, whether the users will pay for the lifted price after the subsidy war, would building a platform or building an ecosystem be a better strategy, will shared cars beat shared bikes, will the government intervene, and what is the future for public city bikes? There are just too many uncertainties. Mobike is facing incredible life or death challenges now, it’s impossible for it to make major moves to do any big cross-sector business.

  3. Channels are a brand symbol as well. When the company has the ability to build up and integrate supplier and retailer channels and experience on retailing, it will be able to cash in through channels. Such company can divide the profits with its brand partners. Unfortunately, Mobike is not quite there yet.

  Perhaps it’s still too early to say whether this themed restaurant idea would succeed or not. We would need to wait and observe for another two years.


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  [The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Luo Huangbao, please note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

  Translated by Garrett Lee (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.

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