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wzatv:【j2开奖】Hangzhou Offers Solution To Bike Sharing And Urb(2)

时间:2017-03-31 00:37来源:668论坛 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
Therefore, low power alert is, in TMTPost’s opinion, a precaution method for bike sharing companies. NB-IoT technology is now being tested by ofo and Mobike for its low power consumption and low del

  Therefore, low power alert is, in TMTPost’s opinion, a precaution method for bike sharing companies. NB-IoT technology is now being tested by ofo and Mobike for its low power consumption and low delay characteristic.

  3. Voice command, NFC and UnionPay unlock.These are the new unlocking methods following QR code. Recently the 315 event exposed that some criminals are using fake QR code to send viruses to users’ phone.

  However, voice unlock and city card unlock are still more fitted for elder people. QR code unlock remains the most popular unlocking method, which is hard to be changed.

  Digital license might be the ideal supervision and regulation approach

  Besides the approaches mentioned above, a digital chip might be the key to making shared bikes compactible to urban management.

  JinTongKeji’s research center vice president Wu Zhiyang revealed to TMTPost that the best approach is implement a digital license management for shared bikes. That being said, enterprises would need to acquire operation license first and then deploy a certain amount of shared bikes according to market demand.

  Furthermore, the chip installed in shared bikes should be encrypted and non-copyable. By scanning the bike, users should be able to see information including the operator, time of deployment, and expire time. On the other hand, the supervisor can regulate and supervise better via the chip and make bike sharing companies take social responsibility.

  In addition to that, Wu Zhiyang visions that in the future shared bikes of different brands can be accessed to via one app, providing users with a centralized parking zone, information regarding of available bikes and rental services.

  JinTongKeji’s president Zhang Liqiang told TMTPost that this solution is currently only an advice for the government, and that in the future they would actively communicate with the authority. In fact, Hangzhou is not the only pilot zone for DingDa’s city bike model. DingDaTech is going to provide its technology for 50 cities in the near future.

  Despite the influence from commercial players, it remains unknown whether the government-led Hangzhou city bike model can succeed or not.


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  [The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Han Pei, please note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

  Translated by Garrett Lee (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.

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