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时间:2017-01-16 06:52来源:本港台现场报码 作者:本港台直播 点击:
谢谢关注缓慢思考。 原文来自Shane Parrish的blog。文章讨论了巴菲特评估人的三个标准:智力,能量和诚信。但是如果没有最后一个,前两个也毫无用处。我记得在另一本巴菲特的传记


  原文来自Shane Parrish的blog。文章讨论了巴菲特评估人的三个标准:智力,j2直播,能量和诚信。但是如果没有最后一个,前两个也毫无用处。我记得在另一本巴菲特的传记里面,他还专门说了一个单词:Non-ego. 或许,这个词比诚信要求更高。

  Students often go to visit Warren Buffett. And when they do, he often plays a little game on them.


  He asks each student to pick a classmate. Not just any classmate, but the classmate you would choose if you could have 10% of their earnings for the rest of their life. Which classmate would you pick and why?


  “Are you going to pick the one with the highest IQ?” asks Buffett. “Are you going to pick the guy who can throw a football the farthest? The one with the highest grades? What qualities will cause you to pick them?”

  “你会选择智商最高的那个吗?” 巴菲特问。 “还是你选择能把橄榄球扔的最远的家伙?或者成绩最好的那个?什么品质会让你选择他们?”

  Then he changes things up again. Who would you think least likely to succeed? Why?


  He asks the students to take out a sheet of paper and list the positive attributes on the left and the negative ones on the right.


  Inevitably, the most useful qualities have nothing to do with IQ, grades, or family connections. People pick based on generosity, kindness, and integrity.


  He then asks the students which of the qualities they are incapable of having and which they are incapable of stopping?


  “To Buffett, the answer is none,” writes Michael Eisner in Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed. “These qualities are choices people make. People decide whether or not to be generous, they decide whether or not to take credit for things they didn’t do, whether or not to keep score in life, whether or not to be envious.”

  “巴菲特的答案是:没有” 艾斯纳在他的书 “伟大的合伙人” 里面说: “这些品质是人们做出的选择。人们决定是否慷慨,他们决定是否沽名钓誉,他们决定是否斤斤计较,是否嫉妒别人。”

  It’s quite simple in the end. Develop qualities from the left and try to stop doing the ones on the right.


  “You’re looking for three things, generally, in a person,” says Buffett. “Intelligence, energy, and integrity. And if they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two. I tell them, ‘Everyone here has the intelligence and energy—you wouldn’t be here otherwise. But the integrity is up to you. You weren’t born with it, you can’t learn it in school.”

  “一般而言,评估一个人你看三件事情,atv,” 巴菲特说。 “智力,能量和诚信。如果他们没有最后一个,前面两个也毫无用处。我告诉他们,’每个人都有智力和能量 — 否则你不会在这里。但是诚信则取决于你。你不是天生就拥有,你也无法从学校学习到。’”

  Buffett and Munger were fortunate. They were both smart and worked hard to improve that advantage. The integrity, however, they chose.


  “You decide to be dishonest, stingy, uncharitable, egotistical, all the things people don’t like in other people,” argues Warren. “They are all choices. Some people think there’s a limited little pot of admiration to go around, and anything the other guy takes out of the pot, there’s less left for you. But it’s just the opposite.”

  “没有人喜欢身边的人不诚实、吝啬、无情、自我, 但我们首先决定自己是否是这样的人” 巴菲特说:“他们都是选择。有些人认为,赞美是有限的,别人拿走了,你能得到的就少了。事情恰恰相反。(选择诚信的人越多,你得到的更多。)”

