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码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan Count(6)

时间:2017-03-15 01:47来源:本港台现场报码 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
At Duke Kunshan, young people like these are the majority. They represent the future of this university and connect China and America, showcasing new possibilities of cooperated university. Professor

  At Duke Kunshan, young people like these are the majority. They represent the future of this university and connect China and America, showcasing new possibilities of cooperated university.

  Professor David Brady has shown us the localization value of Duke Kunshan with the gigapixel camera. From this very moment, this university is slowly pushing the second evolution of the city with its industry+research mechanism.


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s

  In January 2017, the Computing Image Technology Research Center of Duke Kunshan, led by Professor Brady, was founded. Besides the university, Kunshan Industrial Research Institute and a tech company also helped establish the research center, in an attempt to promote the research and development of gigapixel camera and its commercial promotion. Kunshan Industrial Research Institute provides space for the research center and operation funding, while the tech company is in charge of product R&D and commercial promotion.

  This technology is mainly applied in fields such as public security, virtual reality, robotics, and drones etc. A few years ago, Professor Brady had already developed a three-gigapixel camera prototype. But the high production cost and the over size eventually killed the prototype.

  Kunshan happens to be an industrial hub with manufacturing experience and advantages accumulated for decades. Camera and optical-nachanics factories are also important pillars of Kunshan’s manufacturing industry. This naturally gives Professor Brady an edge in converting his research results into applications and products. As a matter of fact, this is the very first step of combining research, academic and industrial scenes for Kunshan.

  Today’s China is standing at a turning point, desperately wanting to get a fresh taste of the new world, and so does Kunshan.

  At present, Duke Kunshan still faces an undeveloped wild land, literally, waiting to further expand. It’s just like the Kunshan county back in the early 80s when the reform and opening up policy was launched.

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