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码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan Count(5)

时间:2017-03-15 01:47来源:本港台现场报码 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
At nature, he dislikes the way Steve Jobs worked and the Apple co-founder’s personality. In one interview he even called Steve Jobs an asshole and Bill Gates a nerd. Compared with Elon Musk, Canyon

  At nature, he dislikes the way Steve Jobs worked and the Apple co-founder’s personality. In one interview he even called Steve Jobs an asshole and Bill Gates a nerd. Compared with Elon Musk, Canyon sees a DJ named Spencer Bruno more of a role model as Bruno inspire him to go for his dream and never give up.

  Canyon and his friends designed a sensory ring install it inside a helmet. With the ring, he is able to collect, analyze and monitor seven indicators of a construction sites and break them into 15 to 16 fundamental data. Thus he can improve shift management, track production efficiency and predict performance. According to him, this product possesses great cloud capacity.

  “From my point of view, if I can learn something useful in the classroom, then it’s exciting and I will study hard. Duke University provides us with multiple choices, which satisfies my demand. If I couldn’t learn relevant knowledge in the classroom, then I will study it myself.” Canyon’s product sounds sophisticated, but as a matter of fact, he mostly learned to make it through Google and Youtube.

  However, this young man still attributes 70% of his success to Duke University. He believes that the university has provided him with advance facilities to achieve his ideas.

  Duke University also has an active entrepreneurship scene that gives Canyon an edge. He joined in the Innovation Co-Lab, a project that provides small funding for students to kickstart their business. The funding is given to students unconditionally. The sensory ring is the third product coming from Canyon and his fist two efforts didn’t work out. During summer in 2015, Canyon also participated in the Melissa & Doug Entrepreneurs summer program, which gave him plenty of industry insights.

  Duke Kunshan has high hopes for its students, wishing that they could bring about innovative solutions to today’s global challenges. That’s why how to turn academic achievements into applications is a crucial field at Duke Kunshan besides entrepreneurship. Canyon started his business out of interest, and the young man I am going to talk about is a representative of another ideal state that Duke Kunshan values.

  Nick Peoples was sitting right across me in an evening, massaging his head to drive away the sleepiness and drinking strong coffee. Then he took a deep breath and started to tell his stories.

  This young man from Houston did a biochemistry degree for his bachelors. At that time, his plan was go to a big city and become a doctor there after graduation. However, to enroll in a med school requires volunteer experience, and he went to Latin America with his classmates where he experienced things that left him feel powerless.

  After returning to America, he decided to make helping people in poor health condition his life goal. At the age of 19, he started to study global health at Duke Kunshan. He chose Duke Kunshan over The Johns Hopkins University because Duke Kunshan provides him with a funding of $8,000 for three-month overseas project.

  “This career fits my personality and interest. I want to do something that I would be proud of. The salary is not a priority, as long as it pays the bills,” this young man has his own logic of employment and salary. “It’s true that people majoring in computer science make more money, but to be where I have been to also cost a lot!”

  At present, Nick feels that technology and Internet have powered the world with unprecedented conveniences and contribute to revolutionary breakthroughs in research and science development.

  “For instance, inHealth can push messages to users’ smartphone, notifying them to take their medications regularly. Social platforms can help raise funds,” Nick said. Just weeks before our interview took place, one of his classmates participated in his thesis defense in China via the phone, while his advisor was in Duke Univeristy in America and the collaborative organization was in Tanzania.

  The revolutionary changes brought by technologies not only benefit us, but also bring about challenges and confusion to global health.

  Nick had learned from his advisor and the experience of the global health field accumulated for over a decade to always stay humble facing developing regions that are in need of help. He continues to push himself to understand and adjust to different cultural backgrounds, systems and the differences brought by development gap.

  The goal of global health studies is not about being at the forefront saving lives, or shortening the gap, but helping local people become capable of solving their problems without the aid of NGOs.

  “There is no one ultimate cure for all. We have to treat people fairly and attend to different demands,” he said at last.

  In summer next year, this young master student at Duke Kunshan will be cooperating with International Organization for Migration, directed by the UN, to do field study in the Philippines and work with local government on medical and hygiene solution for immigrant workers.
