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码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan Count(3)

时间:2017-03-15 01:47来源:本港台现场报码 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
During 1973 and 1975, the U.S experienced an economic drag which signified the end of the fast growth post-war period for western countries. In response to the situation, the congress sought ways to b

  During 1973 and 1975, the U.S experienced an economic drag which signified the end of the fast growth post-war period for western countries. In response to the situation, the congress sought ways to better manage the annual R&D funding of $75 billion. Statistics show that the government has over 28,000 patents at its disposal but only 5% of them haven been authorized to use and only 25% to 30% are for commercial companies to use for inventions and development.


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s

  The Bayh-Dole Act greatly encouraged universities and research institutes to transform commercially and tightened the connection between universities, government and companies, benefiting the three sides. The time needed for scientific achievements to turn into products had been drastically shortened, lowering the R&D cost for enterprises and getting universities more R&D funding support. That’s how a trilateral mechanism was formed.

  The concentration of small and mid-sized companies brings about cluster effect and research advantages, which makes the Research Triangle Park an important incubator for startups.

  Statistics show that up till 2013, only 36 out of the 70 companies that moved into the region in 1989 still remained there, and that 60 out of 122 companies that moved in in 1999 survived. In addition to that, 122 out of the 157 companies that moved in in 2009 remained. During 2008 to 2013, 63 more companies joined the region. That said, as groups of companies moved away from the research park, waves of mid and small-sized startups also flock in.


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s

  The Bayh-Dole Act improved the patent application process for American universities and conversion

  The research advantages provided by the universities in the triangle also attract companies that share common research direction. The combination of the commercial industry and research resources continues to drive research achievements and commercialization, attracting more and more companies and better resources. At last, the cluster effect had maximized the research park’s advantages on biotech and information technology.

  The initial goal of establishing the Research Triangle Park was to resurrect the economy and create new jobs. And the park did boost the prosperity of the region. Research shows that from 1970 to 2006, seven counties that are close to the park had had an increase of employment by nearly 700,000. The central counties, Wake, Orange and Durham, had an employment increase of 200% during the past four decades.

  Unlike the Silicon Valley that was naturally formed, the Research Triangle Park was backed by a series of supporting policies and was pushed by the government, research institutes and companies. The success of Research Triangle Park shows us that under appropriate guidance and with a well-planned blueprint, quality research universities can stimulate regional economy and industrial upgrade.


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s


码报:【j2开奖】Duke University, A Stepping Stone For Kunshan County‘s

  For basketball fans, Duke University won’t be a foreign name. And the university is also renowned in the academic world with three graduates and two professors winning the Nobel Prize and three graduates holding the Turing Award. As the academic and research center of Research Triangle Park, Duke University continues to pump in fuels for the region.

  It’s exactly what Kunshan needs.

  As early as in 2005, Duke University cooperated with the National University of Singapore and founded a doctoral med school program. When this prestigious university first sought cooperation in China, its initial ideal destination was Shanghai. However, after negotiating with Shanghai Jiaotong University for one year and eventually failing to reach an agreement, the cooperation couldn’t have happened.

  When choosing to work with Wuhan University and Kunshan government, many professors at Duke University questioned the decision, worrying about whether two very different universities with distinguished systems and backgrounds could eventually work. In addition to that, they were also concerned for budget. Originally, Duke University planned to invest in $11 million in the first five years, but the number surged to $37 million in the ultimate official document.
