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时间:2016-03-08 23:39来源:香港现场开奖 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
Austen’s novels are of romantic fiction and her plots highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. This can be seen by the Moon in her chart. The Mo

  Austen’s novels are of romantic fiction and her plots highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. This can be seen by the Moon in her chart. The Moon is in Libra, so the fundamental concern for the female heroines ( Moon ) is to look for the perfect relationship ( Libra ). Her novels deal with the difficulties in achieving this status with the desired partner and often having to choose between settling for someone less desirable but more materially secure or missing out altogether. The Moon is conjunct Saturn and Saturn’s raison d’être is to force the individual to get on with things and settle for something practical rather than follow their own dreams. Jane Austen’s plots seem to be the perfect expression of the Moon ( women ) in Libra ( in search of marriage ) conjunct Saturn ( but being held back ) on the cusp of the second house ( for reasons of money and security ).


  It is often true that artists, actors and writers who are strongly identified with a particular piece of their work have symbolism in their charts that describe the work as well as themselves. The plot of Jane Austen’s most famous novel Pride and Prejudice centres around the tensions ( opposition ) between a headstrong, carefree and emotionally honest and direct character in Elizabeth ( Sun in Sagittarius ) and Mr Darcy a proud and distant figure ( Jupiter at the top of the chart ) who initially feels that consorting with the Bennett family would be beneath him. Oppositions create tension but they also attract and over time Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth but she rejects him due to his earlier attitude and to a misunderstanding ( Neptune ) about his role in the fate of another family member.

  简.奥斯汀终生未婚,不过她被Harris Bigg-Wither求过婚,一个其貌不扬、沉默寡言,口吃而且言辞粗暴不得体的男人。但是这桩婚姻会为奥斯汀和她的家庭带来极大的物质优越。Harris Bigg-Wither是一个富有家族的继承人,有了开奖直播的资源,奥斯汀能使她父母安度晚年并且为她的哥哥提供事业帮助。不过就如她笔下富有自尊心的女主角一样,她拒绝了求婚。

  Jane Austen never married but she did receive one proposal of marriage from Harris Bigg-Wither, a man who was unattractive, spoke little and stuttered, was aggressive in conversation, and almost completely tactless. However, the marriage offered many practical advantages to Austen and her family. He was the heir to extensive family estates and with such resources Austen could provide her parents a comfortable old age and assist her brothers in their careers. Like any self-respecting heroine from her books, Austen refused the proposal.


  Having never been married, Austen’s mysterious love life has always attracted interest and speculation and there have been numerous attempts by literary scholars to link her with foiled relationships with one person or another. In Pride and Prejudice the misunderstanding between Elizabeth and Darcy is eventually cleared up and they overcome the opposition to marry. This would never happen in real life and for Jane Austen personally the T Square and Moon / Saturn conjunction presented too strong an obstacle so she remained in her 4th house until she died.

