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时间:2016-03-08 23:39来源:香港现场开奖 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
【j2开奖】冥海女神奥斯汀|?Jane?Austen?–?Pride?and?Sensibility,pride and prejudice电子书,dear jane and bob,史蒂夫·奥斯汀



文| Capricorn Astrology Reasearch

译| 绿茶


  Jane Austen – Pride and Sensibility


  Jane Austen was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature.




  Austen was a Sagittarius but the first thing that stands out is the fact that the Sun is in the 4th house at the very base of the chart. The 4th house is our home base, it rules our relationships with our parents and family and also with the past and tradition. It rules land and the natural environment where we come from. The Sun’s house placing in a chart shows an area of life that we feel comfortable and secure with. It’s often a place where we will spend a large part of our life.


  Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the English landed gentry. She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers and the steadfast support of her family was critical to her development as a professional writer.


  Her Sun is in opposition to the noble Jupiter at the top of the chart. Jupiter at the Midheaven promises great success in the chosen career. As Jupiter is in Gemini, the sign of communication both verbal and written, its appropriate that Austen was a writer. Her novels are based on philosophical ( Sun in Sagittarius ) observations of life amongst the landed ( in the 4th house ) gentry ( Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven ). The opposition on its own might lead to a sociological discourse about the lives of people in the early 19th century, but the Sun and Jupiter are part of a T Square focusing their energies onto Neptune and a Virgo Ascendant.


  The Sun’s square to Neptune is exact, they are only 4 minutes apart. Neptune is the planet of fiction and fantasy that provides the novelist’s imagination. An apex Neptune rising gives an extremely sensitive nature and an ability to pick up many deep and profound impressions from any situation. It also gives Austen a profound empathy with people in general but her characters in particular.


  Such a strong Neptune could be prone to flights of unreal fantasy but an analytical Virgo Ascendant brings the practical realism, biting irony and social commentary that gained her historical importance among scholars and critics.

