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报码:The Ministry of Commerce Is Conducting Anti

时间:2017-07-30 04:45来源:118图库 作者:本港台直播 点击:
The Ministry of Commerce Is Conducting Anti-Monopoly Investigation On Didi 2017-07-29 13:56 来源:钛媒体 原标题:The Ministry of Commerce Is Conducting Anti-Monopoly Investigation On Didi (Chinese Version) Gao Feng, representative

The Ministry of Commerce Is Conducting Anti-Monopoly Investigation On Didi

2017-07-29 13:56 来源:钛媒体

原标题:The Ministry of Commerce Is Conducting Anti-Monopoly Investigation On Didi

(Chinese Version)

报码:The Ministry of Commerce Is Conducting Anti

Gao Feng, representative from the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, has commented on the rumor regarding China Taxi Industry Alliance’s inquiry on the anti-monopoly investigation of UberChina and Didi’s merger case today at the regular press conference, saying that the ministry hasn’t received any letter from China Taxi Industry Alliance.

“The Ministry of Commerce’s anti-monopoly department has talked to Didi for several times. It’s conducting an investigation on Didi and UberChina’s merger case in accordance with the law.”

Gao Feng iterated that the Ministry of Commerce would learn further about online ride-hailing business’ models and the competition status in the market through holding seminars, conducting researches and investigations, and entrusting third-party organizations to analyze the case from multiple perspectives.

What follows is the Ministry of Commerce’s full comment:

Q: There have been news reports saying that the China Taxi Industry Alliance had sent letters to the Ministry of Commerce, requesting an update on the anti-monopoly case of Didi and UberChina’s merger back in August 2016. Any comment from the ministry?

A:There have been news reports saying that the China Taxi Industry Alliance has sent letters to the Ministry of Commerce, requesting an update on the anti-monopoly case of Didi and Uber China’s merger back in August 2016. Any comment from the ministry?

The Ministry of Commerce’s anti-monopoly department has talked to Didi for several times, and it’s conducting a full investigation on Didi and Uber China’s merger case according to China’s anti-monopoly law, the State Council’s regulations on business operator central declaration standards, business operator central declaration guidelines, temporary guidelines for investigation and handling of business operators that fail to declare legally.

Online ride-hailing is a new norm in the Internet industry. Technologies, products and business models change every day now. The Ministry of Commerce is digging into the competition in the Internet industry and its pattern to thoroughly analyze the deal’s impact on market competition and the development of the industry. We will be holding seminars, conducting researches and investigations, and entrusting third-party organizations to analyze the case from multiple perspectives to further understand this field.

We will continue to encourage innovation, stick to the principle of scientific regulation and maintain a fair and just market to improve the innovative development of the online ride-hailing industry. Thank you.


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