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wzatv:【j2开奖】Momo’s Recent Big Update Showes Its Anxiety, Not(2)

时间:2017-07-18 20:12来源:报码现场 作者:开奖直播现场 点击:
However, the hard truth is that: although Momo has made some progress with its “decentralized” LBS live streaming, compared with its rival platforms, “centralized” distance live streaming rema

  However, the hard truth is that: although Momo has made some progress with its “decentralized” LBS live streaming, compared with its rival platforms, “centralized” distance live streaming remains the main revenue source.

  In this case, Momo can combine live streaming with stranger communication and have users chat with each other on a one-to-one basis. In this way, not only the threshold of live streaming is lowered, but also male users become better engaged.

  As a result, streamers will not only become “performers” in front of thousands of users, they can create “transaction” by simply meeting one user’s need, whether to sing a song, play a round of “Honor of Kings” or just simply chat for a while. It is probable such diversified real-time video chatting might be more suitable for Momo when it comes to consolidating social networks.

  Three vital problems with Momo’s recent update

  In the latest version, Momo timely attaches high importance to real-time video chatting. More specifically,

Quick Chat is a one-to-one real-time video chatting service. After users click the button, they will be randomly matched with another user and have a 60-second video chat with each other.

Party Chat, however, is a multi-user real-time video chatting service, through which users can join and leave a video chat group nearby or created by friends, similar to Houseparty.

Wereworlf is a popular mobile game through which users can both train their deduction ability and have a great deal of fun from “lying”, “convincing” and “misleading” other players.

  Henceforth, we can come to an easy conclusion: Momo is indeed constantly strengthening its video social networking service, though it has become quite difficult to say for sure what kind of APP is the updated Momo, since it’s more alike a crude combination of various drastically different functions, including stranger communication, werewolf (game), Tinder, Houseparty and Monkey, etc.

  Momo did attempt to explore its potential in all possible aspects, but it lacks a core focus.

  More specifically, there are three main problems with this update:

  a. Too much water drowned the miller

  When users are give one more new function, they can easily adapt to it. However, when too many new functions are added in a short time, it could heavily affect their user habit. In fact, user churn occurs most in times of a major update.

  Like or Pass

  Without an effective user selection mechanism, “Like or Pass” is more like a poor imitation of Tinder and Tantan. Hardly can users be recommended with other users they find attracted to.


  The craze for Werewolf has been fading away, so it remains unknown how it could contribute to Momo’s overall strategy.

  Quick Chat and Party Chat

  Although these two functions are derived from Momo’s live streaming service, there’s nothing new with it, as there are already such attempts in other APPs.

  b. Up with video social networking, down with users’ own update

  Compared with the modular homepage, another major change is that users’ updates are hidden in the second screen. Therefore, it takes more efforts to find and acquire information. Momo did so to highlight “video” contents, but the problem is that Momo is not simply a short video or live streaming platform.

  On the surface, this update might stir up users’ passion for video social networking; in practice, however, it might backfire. After all, Momo is a typical platform for asynchronous social networking. Prior to this update, communication on Momo is highly fragmented and users are not “forced” to respond immediately. This update, however, attach too much emphasis on real-time, which might improve communication efficiency, but it could also unnecessarily improve users’ pressure.

  c. A vital step is missing

  Still, from live streaming to real-time video social networking, Momo has embarked on a right path. However, a crucial step is missing.

  The reason why “real-time video chat” seems to be a promising area is that it solve a vital problem of “asynchronous stranger social networking”, that is, truthfulness. It is known that during “asynchronous stranger social networking”, users can use beautified photos of themselves or exchange inaccurate information with others. Through real-time video chatting, however, users can directly see each other, which paves the way for effective social networking.

  However, Momo still fails to take into consideration a vital issue: the potential user scenarios. After all, against the background of Chinese cultural atmosphere, most Chinese mobile internet users are “unwilling” to show their true selves to others, let alone strangers. This is also why some early attempts in real-time video chatting failed.

  In this case, what Momo really needs to do is create as many user scenarios to cater to the needs of different users.
