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wzatv:速记员即将被淘汰,未来 AI 可以把一切转录为文(3)

时间:2017-07-12 08:25来源:668论坛 作者:开奖直播现场 点击:
“我们并不认为在几分钟的访谈中,这样的转录结果是完美的,”Trint的首席执行官杰夫·考夫曼(Jeff Kofman)说。“但是,只要有高质量音频,它就能接近

“我们并不认为在几分钟的访谈中,这样的转录结果是完美的,”Trint的首席执行官杰夫·考夫曼(Jeff Kofman)说。“但是,只要有高质量音频,它就能接近完美。你可以搜索、重听、查错,就能在几秒内知道究竟说了什么。”

“We don’t claim that this turnaround in a couple of minutes of an interview like this is perfect,” says Jeff Kofman, Trint’s CEO. “But, with good audio, it can be close to perfect. You can search it, you can hear it, you [can] find the errors, and you know within seconds what was actually said.”

考夫曼表示,Trint的绝大多数用户都是记者,其次是定性研究的研究员以及商界和医疗保健客户——换句话说,都是需要在严格的规定时间内完成大量音频转录的职业。这与SwiftScribe的开发者Ryan Prenger和他的同事们收集到的匿名用户行为数据相一致。虽然Prenger推测有一些长尾用户,他们只是渴望测试SwiftScribe能力的人工智能爱好者,但他也看到一些日常使用该程序转录语音的“超级用户”。随着ASR技术的不断改进,他对该技术能够吸引的用户范围感到乐观。

According to Kofman, most of the people using Trint are journalists, followed by academics doing qualitative research and clients in business and healthcare—in other words, professions expected to transcribe a large volume of audio on tight deadlines. That’s in keeping with the anonymized data on user behavior being collected by the developer Ryan Prenger and his colleagues at SwiftScribe. While there is a long tail of users who Prenger speculates are simply AI enthusiasts eager to test out SwiftScribe’s capabilities, he’s also spotted several “power users” that are running audio through the program on almost a daily basis. It’s left him optimistic about the range of people the tool could attract as ASR technology continues to improve.


“That’s the thing with tranion technology in general,” says Prenger. “Once the accuracy gets above a certain bar, everyone will probably start doing their tranions that way, at least for the first several rounds.” He predicts that, ultimately, automated tranion tools will increase both the supply of and the demand for trans. “There could be a virtuous circle where more people expect more of their audio that they produce to be transcribed, because it’s now cheaper and easier to get things transcribed quickly. And so, it becomes the standard to transcribe everything.”


It’s a future that Trint is consciously maneuvering itself to exploit. The company just?raised $3.1 million in seed money?to fund its next round of expansion. Kofman and his team plan to demonstrate its capabilities later this month at the Global Editors Network in Vienna. Their aim is to have the tranion of the event’s keynote address up on the?Washington Post’s website within the hour.


It’s difficult to predict precisely what this new order could look like, although casualties are expected. The stenographer would likely join the ranks of the costermonger?and the?iceman?in the list of forgotten professions. Journalists could spend more time reporting and writing, aided by a?plethora of assistive writing tools, while detectives could analyze the contradictions in suspect testimony earlier. Captioning on YouTube videos could be standard, while radio shows and podcasts could become accessible to the hard of hearing on a mass scale. Calls to acquaintances, friends, and old flames could be archived and searched in the same way that social-media messages and emails are, or intercepted and hoarded by law-enforcement agencies.
