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时间:2017-06-20 13:11来源:118图库 作者:118KJ 点击:
Our DNA changes as we get older. For example, structures that cap the ends of our chromosomes (which carry our genes) called telomeres shorten with old age or stress. Lengthening telomeres has been su

Our DNA changes as we get older. For example, structures that cap the ends of our chromosomes (which carry our genes) called telomeres shorten with old age or stress. Lengthening telomeres has been suggested as a way to restore youth. The trouble is the gene that does this, called telomerase, is normally only turned on in adults who have cancer.


Genetically engineered animals that over-produce telomerase from birth develop cancer. But to add confusion, using genetically engineered viruses to force old mice to make more telomerase results in a longer lifespan with improved late-life health, without an increased risk of cancer.


Elizabeth Parrish, who is the CEO of Bioviva – a company working to develop anti-ageing treatments – recently travelled to Colombia to receive gene therapy to extend her telomeres.

Bioviva的伊丽莎白·帕里什(Elizabeth Parrish),是一家致力于开发抗衰老治疗公司的CEO,她最近前往哥伦比亚接受基因治疗以延长她的端粒。

Another drastic way to reverse ageing might be to turn adult cells back into youthful stem cells, which is possible by turning on so-called “Yamanaka factors”. These work through turning certain genes “on” or “off”. The problem is that turning “Yamanaka factors” on too much again causes cancer. Instead, turning these genes on briefly appears to reverse ageing and extend lifespan in short-lived mice. This could be a powerful but risky strategy for reversing ageing.


Is it already here? 它已经被实现了?

In the end, the first ever anti-ageing drug likely to reach the market will be one we’re already familiar with: metformin. It’s used to treat diabetes, has been around since the 1950s and is used by tens of millions of people.


In animals, metformin extends lifespan and maintains health, while population-wide studies show it reduces cancer risk. Metformin is thought to work by turning on an energy sensor in cells called “AMPK”, which senses situations of low energy and alters metabolism in response.




Metformin is likely to be the first ever anti-ageing drug to reach the market. from shutterstock.com


The effect of metformin on health and lifespan in older, non-diabetic individuals is currently the subject of the TAME trial in New York. If successful, this trial may lead to the first ever “gero-protective” or “anti-ageing” pill, which would be taken as a widely-used prophylactic by the older population.
