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报码:One System, 187 Plazas and 50 Billion Information Spots:(3)

时间:2017-06-16 16:07来源:本港台现场报码 作者:118开奖 点击:
As a matter of fact, before the cooperation with Plug and Play and China SaaS Challenge, Wanda didn’t have much experience in cooperating with startups. The good thing is, as Feng told TMTPost, Wand

As a matter of fact, before the cooperation with Plug and Play and China SaaS Challenge, Wanda didn’t have much experience in cooperating with startups. The good thing is, as Feng told TMTPost, Wanda’s Information Management Center and the entire team has been filling its technical gap with an open mind.


报码:One System, 187 Plazas and 50 Billion Information Spots: How

“IoT Acceleration Camp”, held by top-tier Silicon Valley incubator Plug and Play, has discovered and introduced lots of excellent startup teams and technologies to large-scale enterprises such as Wanda and Huazhu

“Besides the macro-level cooperation with IBM, we also need to focus on some micro-level spots to bring about changes for the entire platform,” Feng told TMTPost. For her, an ideal IBMS shall be able to carry out automatic management based on data analysis, while Talent Cloud can only solve problems one after another, at least for now. Therefore, she believed that Wanda’s IBMS is only smart, but far from being intelligent.

Inevitably, this presents an even higher demand on Wanda’s tech team. In this sense, another advantage of the vivid cooperation with startups begin to emerge: the frequent contact and collaboration with startups and the various pilot spots carried out together with startups help Wanda learn about the latest development and technology on the market in time.

“From the business aspect, Plug and Play motivated us the greatest,” Feng said, jokingly. At present, Wanda has already been carrying out POC for startup projects that stood out from Plug and Play’s challenge. At the same time, Wanda has also been approaching IoT giants such as Microsoft and Huawei to test the matching capability of different companies’ products.

It is worth mentioning that Wanda has been quite efficient in project execution. For example, three hours after the end of an activity, XPower received a phone call from Wanda, asking if it could test its products at Wanda Plaza 08:00 AM next morning.

“Oftentimes, it took us two to three months to settle on a project with other large-scale business groups and carry it out. However, it only took us a couple days with Wanda,” Claire, Enterprise Client Manager of Plug and Play China Region, told TMTPost.

“While large companies’ products are often fixed and expensive, startups could customize their services or products based on Wanda’s needs. Therefore, it’s significantly more convenient and cost-effective,” Feng added at last.


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[The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Su Jianxunplease note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

Translated by Levin Feng (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.

atv开奖 (责任编辑:本港台直播)