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时间:2017-06-15 12:35来源:118论坛 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
编者按:本文作者是知名投资人 Fred Wilson,他在文中写了自己以投资人身份参与创业公司董事会的经历,并探讨投资人该如何与公司管理人配合,让公司更好发展的方法。 Being an inv

编者按:本文作者是知名投资人 Fred Wilson,atv,他在文中写了自己以投资人身份参与创业公司董事会的经历,并探讨投资人该如何与公司管理人配合,让公司更好发展的方法。

Being an investor and board member means that you are close to the companies you invest in but not “in them.”. This near and dear relationship creates some interesting challenges for both the management and the investors. One of them is understanding the difference between information/reporting and a real understanding of what is going on in the business.


I often find myself saying “but why?” at board meetings:


• “Revenues are soft this quarter” – but why?

• “这个季度的营收疲弱”——为什么会这样呢?

• “MAUs are up 150% over last quarter” – but why?

• “与上个季度相比,MAU 增长了150%”——为什么会这样呢?

• “We are going to miss our ship dates” – but why?

• “恐怕我们会赶不上发货日期了”—— 为什么会这样呢?

• “We expect to decrease our hosting costs by 50% next quarter” – but why?

• “我们希望下个季度可以将托管费用降低 50%”——为什么要这么做呢?

• “We can’t seem to get any interest in the next round” – but why?

• “恐怕我们没法拿到下一轮融资了”——为什么会这样呢?

• “We are getting a lot of inbound interest from investors” – but why?

• “很多投资者都有意向投资我们”—— 为什么会这样呢?

• “We have a lot of turnover in our engineering organization” – but why?

• “我们的工程组织出现了很多失误”—— 为什么会这样呢?

The beauty of working with investors who see a lot and have seen a lot is that they can often help you diagnose the disease by looking closely at the symptoms. But you have to be willing to engage in that exercise and be open to hearing “but why” and be prepared to answer it.


