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Top “Gaokao Scorers Outperformed AI Robots In Round One Mat(2)

时间:2017-06-09 10:54来源:香港现场开奖 作者:118KJ 点击:
Based on a deep learning network and a semantic analyzer, the program shall continuously strengthen itself through constant training. While both a knowledge map and common sense are needed to solve mo

Based on a deep learning network and a semantic analyzer, the program shall continuously strengthen itself through constant training. While both a knowledge map and common sense are needed to solve most Application Questions, Haster Learner improves its proximity to the real world based on a lifelike simulator of questions.

Besides, Haster Learner is actively promoting the development of AI technologies, such as image recognition, natural language interpretation and deep learning, etc. and integrating them into a smart learning robot. Haster Learner makes it possible to grade test papers, carry out personalized tutoring and perfect teaching plans under the current educational background.


Top “Gaokao Scorers Outperformed AI Robots In Round One Mat

Nevertheless, Chen Ruifeng, Chief Scientist of Haster Learner’s, didn't think that AI can replace teachers. No matter how, robots can not replace teachers and teach students how to solve questions. For example, robots can not explain why it’s wrong to solve a question this way or that way, what’s wrong with this or that way of thinking and where different ways of thinking should be adopted. However, AI can help teachers identify whether a student has grasped a knowledge point or not, and whether it will be a total waste of time to continue do exercises over a knowledge point.

Still, it is worth noticing that all the major online education platforms featuring test assistant tools and question databases in China haven’t found a profit point yet. Zhang also revealed to TMTPos that it hadn’t achieved profitability yet. Nevertheless, it has started to scale.

We also learn that the AI robot will sit the “gaokao” exam again in 2019 and 2020. At the same time, iFLYTEK, a key Chinese software enterprise dedicated to the research of intelligent speech and language technologies and the leading enterprise in the “Big Data-based Human-Like Intelligence Technology and System Project” of the 12th Five-Year Plan, is also busy developing an AI robot to sit the Chinese, Geography and History exam in the 2019 Standard College Entrance Exam.


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[The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Li Chengchengplease note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

Translated by Levin Feng (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.

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