顺便说一句,这个研究完全是他们用自己的业余时间做出来的。缘起于Chang有一次带孩子去动物园看火烈鸟,观赏者们的第一个问题往往是,它们是怎么能用一条腿站老半天的?于是Chang找到了姿态控制专家Ting进行合作。 Chang表示,做这个研究完全是出自本心的热爱,因为想知道大自然里一些机制是如何运作的。
通常研究人体平衡的Ting,同样表示火烈鸟比人类更好玩。 “它们睡着的时候有时会拉屎喔。” (人类婴儿表示,这个我也行。) Young-Hui Chang, Lena H. Ting. (2017). Mechanical evidence that flamingos can support their body on one leg with little active muscular force. Biol. Lett. 2017 13 20160948; DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0948. Scientists balanced a dead flamingo on one leg to unlock the bird's standing secret. (2017). The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/scientists-balanced-a-dead-flamingo-on-one-leg-to-unlock-the-birds-standing-secret-78231 Andrews, T., & Andrews, T. (2017). Mystery solved: How flamingos can sleep while standing on one leg. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/05/24/mystery-solved-how-flamingos-can-sleep-while-standing-on-one-leg Yong, E. (2017). Why Flamingos Are More Stable on One Leg Than Two. The Atlantic.https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/05/flamingos-one-leg/527781/ Boult, A. (2017). Scientists have worked out why flamingos stand on one leg. The Telegraph. Why Do Flamingos Stand on One Leg?. (2017). D-brief. #.WSfAk1V97X5 Steen, Inoer, and J. B. Steen. "The importance of the legs in the thermoregulation of birds." Acta Physiologica 63.3 (1965): 285-291. 一个AI 动物园太过分了,凭什么不许他们戳火烈鸟一下??(我超想看的! 从前有只火烈鸟,总是想不通为啥自己红不了,直到…… 要么你自己孵一只……拼好了站不稳包赔: 果壳网 “我看的这是果壳吗?” ——当然是啦! 公众号下方的【传送门】里 有更多神奇的内容哦~~
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