Time:May 16, 2017 Address:4500 Great America PKWY Ste 300, Santa Clara, CA 95054 6:00~6:30 PM Registration, Food & Drinks 6:30~7:30 PM Keynote 7:30~8:00 PM Q&A 8:00~8:30 PM After Event Networking 人工智能的时代,应该没有人不知道IBM Watson。 「沃森」它是继IBM深蓝超级电脑系统之后的下一代超级电脑,曾于2011年登陆美国老牌益智节目「危险边缘」(Jeopardy!)并赢得了挑战。这之后,IBM继续发展Watson的认知运算能力,开奖,并将强大能力「装进」人们身边的物体和空间里,与Panasonic合作智慧家庭安全防护,与希尔顿酒店合作的迎宾机器人,从智慧手机到智慧家电、从服务机器人到制造工厂、从会议室到手术室等等,让沃森认知运算无处不在。2016年,IBM Watson 利用 10 分钟时间就诊断出一名 60 岁女病人患上罕见的急性骨髓性白血病,还找到最适合她的疗法,目前患者已经可以出院。 沃森不是在制造奇迹,而是用强大的能力推理奇迹。现在它正在与其他科技领域结合,IBM Watson AI + AR/VR实验室,正在利用Watson技术将他们全面融合。 05/16 RobotX Meetup "AI in VR" 本次Meetup我们邀请到Michael Ludden,IBM沃森 AR / VR实验室的产品总监,他将与我们探讨人工智能和AR,VR之间的诸多交集,atv,其中包括IBM沃森正在延伸与VR互动语音接口和聊天室的一些新的工作领域。Michael Ludden 也将分享他自己的行业经验,无论是从科学,培训,治疗,康复,生产力,教育等方面的应用,还是IBM沃森的发展方向,都能学到具体的案例,并更多地了解AI和VR两者之间长期的发展未来。 Speaker 关于嘉宾
Michael Ludden Director of Product at IBM’s Watson Developer Labs & AR/VR Labs. Michael Ludden,IBM沃森 AR / VR实验室的产品总监。 此前,他被谷歌授予谷歌开发者营销经理终生职位,曾以开发者市场主管职位领导三星团队,也是HTC开发者关系部的创办会员之一。Michael在不同的时间参与多个创业团队的产品开发,营销。在IBM沃森,Michael领导的团队充满生气,他负责开发技术推广,通过帮助开发者更好得理解用户 ,计量产品使其匹配IBM沃森的市场,最终开创出更优质的平台。 Workshop 议题
AI in VR During this session, attendees will learn about the intersection between the emerging fields of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, including some of the work IBM Watson is doing with Interactive Speech Interfaces and Chatbots in VR. From applications in science, training, therapy, rehabilitation, productivity, education and, yes, gaming, attendees can expect to learn some concrete examples from Michael's own experience and be presented industry trends and understand more about where AI and VR are going in both the near and long term future.
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RobotX Space 正在疯狂招募社区运营实习生 详情了解与投送简历至 活动预告抢先看 05.25 Topic: Tech X Design, Possibility X Solution Lehu Zhang, Founder at Sans Design Zichuan Xiong, Retail Design Principal at ThoughtWorks 05.30 Topic: Robots that truly deliver Rui Li ,Co-Founder and CEO at Robby Technologies 06.08 Topic: Startup law: what you need to know for fundraising and operations? Christina Hsiang, Founding Director of Startups Greater Asia and Corporate Attorney at Carr & Ferrell LLP 06.15 Topic: Tensorflow: Machine learning for Everyone Xiaobing Liu,Senior Software Engineer at Google Brain 06.30 Topic: Innovation in automated facial, object and scene recognition, image-to-text analysis and video indexing Tianqiang Liu, Co-founder & VP of Engineering,Orbeus (Acquired by Amazon on December 1, 2015) 07.11 Topic: Methodology for engaging the full workforce in the development of AI Ayori S, Product Marketing Manager, Einstein (AI for everyone) at Salesforce 07.25 Topic: Netflix, on the air Chad Kapadia, Chief Technology Officer at Swissclear Global, former Engineering manager at Netflix 08.08 Topic: The secret code of da Vinci Robotic Surgery Wanxi, Systems Analyst of Intuitive Surgical 08.29 Topic: NewGen, Cross-border VC Fund between U.S and Asia Lu Zhang, Forbes 30 Under 30, Founding Partner, NewGen Capital 09.05 Topic: ABB Ventures + Robotics Grant Allen,Partner,ABB Venture 09.19 Topic: Qihoo360 Lab,the best smart hardware ecosystem Shu Cao,Chief engineer,Qihoo 360 关于我们 (责任编辑:本港台直播) |