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报码:【j2开奖】People’s Daily And CCTV’s Entry In The Chinese Live(3)

时间:2017-02-21 23:21来源:本港台直播 作者:本港台直播 点击:
“It’s time live streaming platforms said farewell to unrestricted growth,” People’s Daily called on in a commentary a few months ago. At that time, Cyberspace Administration of China issued “

  “It’s time live streaming platforms said farewell to unrestricted growth,” People’s Daily called on in a commentary a few months ago. At that time, Cyberspace Administration of China issued “Regulations on Internet Live Streaming Service” to regulate the Chinese live streaming market. All of a sudden, platform transformation and content upgrading become urgent matters for the Chinese live streaming industry.

  People’s Daily and Yi.TV’s new national mobile live streaming platform People’s TV may chart the course of transformation for the entire industry. At present, over 100 media organizations, government offices, we media and internet celebrities have joined the platform. People’s Daily chose to cooperate with Yi.TV not only because it had carried out thorough cooperation for the past year in live streaming, but also because Yi.TV has always been making attempts ways of media live streaming.

  The launch of People’s TV demonstrated that Chinese major media organizations have gone passed the period of “pilot attempts” via Yi.TV, and entered into the era of mass-scale media live streaming.

  “For the past two years, we’ve continuously perfected our content release and circulation tools and spent 700 million RMB in helping media organizations promote themselves. In the next three years, we plan to spend another 1 billion RMB in further supporting media organizations’ operation on Sina Weibo,” Wang Gaofei, CEO of Sina Weibo, pointed out in a forum focused on mobile circulation innovation.

  On February 18th, CCTV teamed up with 37 provincial and municipal TV stations and established the TV Station Convergence Media Alliance. At the signing ceremony, New S CCTV, CCTV’s mobile website, also signed and joined the alliance. The next day, New S CCTV was officially available. At the same time, Zheng TV (“zheng” means “right” in Chinese), a mobile live streaming platform specially designed for journalists, was also launched, symbolizing another base of media’s attempts in live streaming.

  The launch of these two live streaming platforms ushered in the era of media live streaming. However, nobody can tell whether which methods, whether replying on comprehensive media live streaming platforms or carrying out ones’ own media live streaming platforms, will stand out. I guess only time has the answer.


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  [The article is published and edited with authorization from the author @Zhang Yuan, please note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

  Translated by Levin Feng (Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.

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