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时间:2017-02-09 22:44来源:668论坛 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
Yelick, Katherine A., associate laboratory director, computer science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and professor, electrical engineering and computer science, University of California, Berk

  Yelick, Katherine A., associate laboratory director, computer science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and professor, electrical engineering and computer science, University of California, Berkeley. For software innovation and leadership in high-performance computing.

  Zhang, Dongxiao (Don), research professor, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. For pioneering work in stochastic modeling of flow in porous media.

  New Foreign Members

  Alcocer, Sergio Manuel, research professor, Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City. For improvements to the seismic safety of buildings in developing countries through improved design standards and government policies.

  Arakawa, Yasuhiko, professor, electrical engineering department, University of Tokyo, Tokyo. For contributions to quantum dot lasers and related nanophotonic devices.

  Asakawa, Chieko, chief technology officer for accessibility research and technology, IBM Research Tokyo, IBM Japan Ltd., Tokyo. For developing technologies for the visually impaired to access digital information.

  Beven, Keith John, distinguished professor of hydrology, Lancaster Environmental Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom. For contributions to the understanding of hydrological processes and development of the foundations of modern hydrological modeling.

  Charlès, Bernard, president and chief executive officer, Dassault Systèmes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France. For leadership in providing major software tools for simulation-based engineering.

  Foster, F. Stuart, professor and Canada Research Chair in ultrasound imaging, department of medical biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto. For pioneering the field of high-frequency ultrasound and translating its technologies into clinical and preclinical imaging systems.

  Fujino, Michimasa, president and chief executive officer, Honda Aircraft Co., Greensboro, N.C. For the creation of the HondaJet and formation of the Honda Aircraft Company.

  Fussenegger, Martin, professor, biotechnology and bioengineering, department of biosystems science and engineering, ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland. For contributions to synthetic biology and engineered therapeutic gene networks.

  Hadziioannou, Georges, University Professor Classe Exceptionelle, Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, France. For foundational discoveries and insights enabling the development of polymers with advanced functionality and performance.

  Hahn, Horst, director, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany. For contributions to the science and engineering of nanostructured materials with tailored and tunable properties.

  Kataoka, Kazunori, professor, biomaterials, department of bioengineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo. For pioneering contributions to the design of supramolecular nanostructures and their application to drug and gene delivery systems.

  Kikuchi, Noboru, president and chief operating officer, Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc., Aichi, Japan. For contributions to theory and methods of computer-aided engineering and leadership in their applications in the automotive industry worldwide.

  Kirchheim, Reiner, distinguished professor of the state of lower Saxony, University of Göettingen, Göettingen, Germany. For contributions to the thermodynamics and kinetics of hydrogen behavior in metals and solute/defect interactions in other materials.

  Lercher, Johannes A., chair, technical chemistry, department of chemistry, Technical University, Munich. For developing concepts and catalysts for activating and functionalizing hydrocarbons and for upgrading fossil and biogenic feedstocks via heteroatom removal.

  Lohse, Detlef, chair, department of physics of fluids, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands. For contributions to fundamental fluid mechanical processes, especially turbulence in Rayleigh-Bénard and Taylor-Couette flow, sonoluminescence drops, and surface nanobubbles.

  Mallat, Stéphane, professor, computer science, École Normale Supérieure, Paris. For contributions to the fast wavelet transform and multiresolution signal processing.

  O’Connor, Cyril Thomas, professor emeritus and senior research scholar, department of chemical engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa. For contributions to the sustainable recovery of minerals from complex ores and for the global advancement of mineral processing technology.

  Shum, Heung-Yeung, executive vice president, technology and research, Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash. For contributions to computer vision and computer graphics, and for leadership in industrial research and product development.
