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时间:2016-11-27 06:33来源:本港台现场报码 作者:www.wzatv.cc 点击:
Nature 此篇报道是对NgAgo争议的回顾。 编译 BioArt 北京时间11月24日凌晨, Nature 发布了一则题为 NgAgo gene-editing controversy escalates in peer-reviewed papers ( 《 同行评议论文发表,NgAgo争议升级

  Nature 此篇报道是对NgAgo争议的回顾。


  北京时间11月24日凌晨,Nature 发布了一则题为 NgAgo gene-editing controversy escalates in peer-reviewed papers同行评议论文发表,NgAgo争议升级的报道。文章作者依然是Nature亚太地区记者David Cyranoski,此前他也在Nature写过一篇关于NgAgo争议的报道。



  该文报道的主要内容是最近两篇有关NgAgo经过同行评议的学术论文,一篇是 Cell Research 发表的,来自南通大学等单位;另一篇则是 。

  报道在描述 Protein & Cell 的论文时提到,20位学者所在的实验室都尝试重复韩春雨的实验,但是无一成功,其中还有八个实验室严格按照韩所提供的实验方法和材料对相同的基因位点做了进一步的尝试,然而最终还是没能够重复出来。(Eight of the labs then tried again, adhering as closely as possible to Han’s experiment, using genetic materials provided by Han, targeting the same genes and also applying the technique to human cells. They all failed.

  报道还提到 Protein & Cell 的论文对韩春雨所在的团队提出了强烈要求,呼吁韩澄清围绕NgAgo发生的一系列事情,并尽可能提供所有必要的细节以便重复实验。但是 Protein & Cell 的论文作者之一、北京大学魏文胜教授已经做出了明确的判断,atv,那就是NgAgo根本不工作。Wensheng Wei......has already made his mind up about NgAgo. “It simply doesn't work, period,” he says.

  Protein & Cell 杂志的执行编辑(managing editor)Zhang Xiaoxue 接受 Nature 的采访时说,他们的杂志之所以快速出版这篇联署论文,主要是因为关于NgAgo的工作引发了持续讨论。她说:“在中国,这不仅仅是一个科学问题,同样还是一个伦理和政治问题”。(Zhang Xiaoxue......says that the journal made an effort to publish the NgAgo paper quickly because of the ongoing debate over the work. “In China, it’s not just a scientific issue. It’s also an ethical and political issue,” she says.)

  接下来,Nature 这篇报道分三个部分展开:


  Cyclops eyes

  (Cyclops eyes 意为古希腊神话中独眼巨人的眼睛,此处指代 Cell Research 相关论文中使用NgAgo对定点基因进行敲低得到的斑马鱼表型。见下图)



  报道说,南通大学的刘东博士回应称,他们在斑马鱼中使用NgAgo技术并没有实现目的基因的基因编辑,而只是降低了基因的表达;刘还提到在斑马鱼中NgAgo技术或许可以成为基因敲低的替代工具,而且显得更加便宜。但 Nature 随即评论道,如果刘的说法是正确的,那么这意味着NgAgo技术导致斑马鱼产生的表型无法永久遗传下去,也就是说NgAgo在这里并不能被考虑成一个基因编辑工具(The lead author, Liu Dong, ...... offers an explanation: the NgAgo molecules clamp onto the genome but instead of cutting the target gene, just reduces its expression. Because the NgAgo protein can be easily prepared in the laboratory, Liu says that this capability could make it a cheaper,more accessible alternative to current methods of temporarily blocking gene function in zebrafish. But if he is right, then NgAgo would not make permanent changes that are passed on to the next generation and would therefore not be considered a gene-editor.

  刘东表示,“NgAgo可能有个新用途,可以当成一个廉价工具,用来抑制基因表达而不是编辑基因”。(he says, it raises the possibility ofa new use for NgAgo, as a cheap tool to block but not edit genes.

  此前批评过韩春雨论文的遗传学家 Lluis Montoliu (来自西班牙国家生物技术研究中心在接受Nature采访时表示,这篇经过同行评议的论文其实是确认了NgAgo不能被当成一种基因编辑工具”, “一定要强调这一点”(This is another report, now published in a peer-reviewed journal, confirming that NgAgo does not work as gene editor. ... This needs to be highlighted.)


  Too hot?
