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wzatv:创业CEO: 如何让公司不需要你

时间:2016-09-26 06:42来源:香港现场开奖 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
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  原文来自Union Square的创始人Fred Wilson,他是Twitter等公司的早期投资人。Fred总结了过了启动阶段的创业公司的两个成功关键要素:团队和战略。CEO如果能够制定清楚公司战略并打造一支执行力强的团队,就可以退后一步,无需每日参与公司的日常运营。一个挣扎的CEO遇到的,要么是战略问题,要么是团队问题。

  I’ve been in board meeting blitz since the summer ended. Many of the companies I work with are well past the startup phase and are well into or even past the growth/scaling phase. And the thought that keeps occurring to me as I go from board meeting to board meeting is the key to success when you are past the startup/product market fit stage comes down to two things, team and strategy.


  You have to get the strategy right and you have to have a team that can execute it without your day to day involvement. The CEOs that I work with that are struggling are usually running into issues with their team and/or their strategy. And the CEOs that I work with that are doing great generally have gotten the strategy set and have built a strong executive team underneath them.


  This sounds so simple. But it is not.


  Most of the companies I work with didn’t really start out with a strategy. They started out with an idea that turned into a great product that found a fit with a market. And they jumped on that and used it to build a company. Most of them wake up at some point and realize that a single product in a single market is not a strategy and they need to come up with a plan to get a lot bigger and build a sustainable and defensible business. I like to think that this is one place where a good investor group can help. If we are doing our job, we push our portfolio companies to work on their long term strategy and refine it to the point where it makes sense and is executable. But an investor group cannot give a company a strategy. It has to come from the founder/CEO and a small group of senior leaders. The smaller the group that is working on strategy, the better. Strategy is not something that can be done by committee.

  大多数我参与的公司,开始的时候都没有战略。他们开始时候拥有的是一个想法,然后变成了一个伟大的产品,并找到了一个契合的市场。抓住这个机会,他们建立了公司。但是到一定时候,他们会醒悟并且发现,一个单一市场中的单一产品并不是战略。他们需要一个计划,能把业务扩大到足够大,并且具有持续性和防守性。我认为这是一个好的投资人可以帮忙的地方。尽责的投资人会督促被投公司制定长期的战略,不断优化直到战略是有效并且可执行的。但是投资人不能给公司一个战略。它只能来自于创始人/ CEO和一小群高级公司领导。制定战略的团队越小越好。战略不应该是一个由委员会来完成的事情。

  The second thing, building an executive team that can execute the plan without day to day involvement of the CEO, is even harder. Most of the companies I work with go through a lot of hiring mistakes on the way to building this team. Some hire too junior. Some hire too senior. Some hire bad cultural fits. Some hire people that are nothing but cultural fit. And an investor or investor group can help with this but I believe that founders/CEOs need to learn how to do this themselves and make these mistakes. The best thing an investor group can do is to help a founder/CEO to understand when they have the wrong person in the job. Or help them understand that more quickly.

  第二件事,打造一支不需要CEO日常参与的执行团队来执行战略,更是难上加难。大多数我参与的公司在组建团队的过程中都会犯很多招聘的错误。有的找的人太低端。有的找的太高端。有的人文化不符合。有的人除了文化符合,一无所长。投资人可以在这方面帮忙,但是我相信创始人/ CEO们有必要学习自己如何做这些事情和犯该犯的错误。作为投资人而言,最能帮忙的事情就是,当位置上找的人不对的时候,投资人要让创始人/ CEO明白。或帮助他们更快的明白。
