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时间:2017-07-01 10:16来源:天下彩论坛 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
For the deaf, David Eagleman, a neuroscientist at Stanford University, has developed a vestthat turns sound into a pattern of vibrations on the torso. With practice, people can learn to use it to inte

For the deaf, David Eagleman, a neuroscientist at Stanford University, has developed a vestthat turns sound into a pattern of vibrations on the torso. With practice, people can learn to use it to interpret speech and other sounds.

对于聋哑人士,斯坦福大学的神经科学家大卫·艾格曼(David Eagleman)开发了一种将声音变成躯干振动模式的背心。 通过实践,人们可以学会用它来分析言语和其他声音。

2 |从大自然中借鉴 Borrowing From Nature

Scientists are also exploring ways to add senses found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. For instance, a handheld device called the Bottlenose, built by amateur biohackers, uses ultrasound to detect the distance of objects, then vibrates the user’s finger at different frequencies, giving him or her echolocation. Other devicesprovide the navigational sense of migratory birds: A company calledfeelSpace sells the naviBelt, a belt that points you in your desired direction by vibrating on your waist. Another company, Cyborg Nest, sells the North Sense, a device you can attach to your chest that vibrates when pointing north.

科学家们也在探索添加一些在动物王国中发现的其他感官。例如,由业余生物骇客构建的称为宽瓶的手持设备,它使用超声波来检测物体的距离,然后以不同的频率振动用户的手指,给其发出回声定位。其他设备则提供了类似候鸟的导航感官:一家名为feelSpace的公司销售naviBelt腰带,通过腰带的振动来引导你去你想要的方向。另一家称做Cyborg Nest的公司,销售一种可以附着在胸部的装置North Sense,直播,当它指向北方时,该装置会振动。

In the future, cochlear implants could be tuned to pick up really low frequencies, such asthose used by elephants, or really high ones, such as those used by dolphins. Bionic eyes could be built to allow humans to see ultraviolet rays (as butterflies, reindeer, dogs, and other animals can) and infrared light (as certain snakes, fish, and mosquitoes can).


Some researchers think we may eventually install a port in our brains that would allow us to swap in different sensors when we need them. “Maybe there’s a Swiss Army Knife of sensors that you carry with you,” says Rajesh P. N. Rao, the director of the National Science Foundation’s Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering. You might rely on a distance sensor when climbing a mountain, then plug in night vision after dark.

一些研究人员认为我们可能最终会在大脑中安装一个端口,这样我们可以在需要的时候更换不同的传感器。国家科学基金会感觉神经工程中心主任Rajesh P. N. Rao说:“也许你会携带一把瑞士军刀的传感器。”爬山时,你可能会把它当作距离传感器,然后在黑夜,插入夜视功能。

3 | 感觉月亮震动 Sensing Moonquakes

We might also gain senses that no other animal has. The vibrating vest Eagleman created can be programmed to receive any input, not just sound. He says it could be used to monitor the stock market, or sentiment on Twitter, or the pitch and yaw of a drone, or one’s own vital signs. You could of course display these things on a computer screen, but our brains can’t attend to lots of visual details at once, Eagleman says. The body, on the other hand, is used to monitoring dozens of muscles just to keep us balanced, so would be more adept at handling multidimensional inputs.

我们也可能感受到其他动物没有的感觉。 大卫·艾格曼研制的振动背心,可以被设计为能接收任何输入信号,而不仅仅是声音。 他说该背心可以被用来监控股票市场,Twitter上的情绪,无人机的俯仰和偏航,或是自己的生命体征。 你当然可以在电脑屏幕上显示这些东西,但是我们的大脑不能一次就能看到大量的视觉细节,艾格曼说。 另一方面,我们的身体被用于监测几十块肌肉,以保持平衡,因此可以说,我们的身体更擅长处理多个方位的信号输入。

A cortical implant could also theoretically take in just about any type of information, which the brain could process as a new sense. “You can do whatever you want,” says Neil Harbisson, a “cyborg artist” who’s originally from Spain. “You can design a unique sense that is related to your interests or to your curiosity.”

理论上,皮质植入物也可以接收任何类型的信息,大脑可以将其作为新的感官来处理。 “你可以做任何你想要的,”Neil Harbisson,一个最初来自西班牙的“电子人”艺术家说。 “你可以设计出一种独特的感觉,这与你的兴趣或是你的好奇心有关。”
