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时间:2016-11-21 04:09来源:118图库 作者:本港台直播 点击:
Growth rates in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 are roughly 537%, 332%, 280%, and 194%. Uber grew net revenue almost 4x in 2015 to $1.7B in revenue, but they lost $1.9B in net income. In 2016, they grew ne

  Growth rates in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 are roughly 537%, 332%, 280%, and 194%. Uber grew net revenue almost 4x in 2015 to $1.7B in revenue, but they lost $1.9B in net income. In 2016, they grew net revenue by 15% in Q2, and I forecasted an optimistic 20% growth rate for Q3 and Q4, so in aggregate I estimate 2016 net revenue to be roughly $5B, effectively tripling year over year. Making some basic estimates for net income, likely losses will be in the $2.5B-$3.0B range.

  2013年、2014年、2015年和2016年的增长率分别为537%,332%,280%和194%。 Uber在2015年的净收入增长了近4倍,到达17亿美元,但净亏损高达19亿美元。在2016年,他们第二季度的净收入增长了15%,我乐观预测第三季度和第四季度20%的增长率,所以总体来说,我估计2016年的净收入大约是50亿美金,同比增长3倍。对净收入进行一些基本估计,可能的亏损将在25亿美元至30亿美元的范围内。

  Looking at the annual growth trends, it seems like the company will grow net revenue by 100-150% in 2017. That would put net revenue in the $10-$12.5B range, and the losses against that are anyone's guess. The highest 2017 revenue multiple for a public internet company right now is about 9.0x, and that's for Facebook, a company that will generate almost $37B in revenue in 2017 with 63% EBITDA margins. Premium marketplace comps trade at 6.0-8.0x 2017 revenue and are generally quite profitable. Sure, Uber has much faster growth than these public comps, but Facebook is no slouch with 50% growth in 2016.


  Let's say Uber does $12.5B net revenue in 2017. At a hefty 10x multiple, Uber would be worth $125B. At a more modest 6.0x multiple, they would still be worth $75B, a hair above their current private valuation.


  It's incredibly difficult to value companies growing as quickly as Uber. Their valuation will depend not only on top-line growth but also on how good of a business they have long-term. My guess is that there is enough hype around the company and that public market investors will eat up the growth story. However, that means Uber will have to keep up their torrid growth without any hiccups and convince investors that there is a path to profitability. The global ride sharing market is insanely competitive, riddled with regulatory challenges, and is inherently low margin (autonomous cars anyone?). Given the dynamics, I'm curious to hear how Uber pitches their story to the street and whether they are able to justify their frothy paper valuation.





