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码报:【j2开奖】上海实习|Cocoon Networks 多职位招募中(2)

时间:2016-10-10 00:33来源:报码现场 作者:118KJ 点击:
Cocoon Networks 源于中国,扎根于伦敦,是一家集企业孵化器、企业加速器、风险投资、科技媒体服务和知识产权管理为一体的创新中心。作为欧洲首家具有

Cocoon Networks 源于中国,扎根于伦敦,是一家集企业孵化器、企业加速器、风险投资、科技媒体服务和知识产权管理为一体的创新中心。作为欧洲首家具有中资背景的优秀科技企业培育中心及科技研究转化中心,科控孵化器总部大厦坐落于伦敦科技金融中心,紧邻瑞士联合银行、苏格兰银行和彭博社总部,是欧洲迄今为止单体面积最大的孵化器(64000平方英尺)。 科控始终以创建跨国企业生态圈为己任,帮助促成最顶尖的欧洲科技项目与中国的资本和市场对接,通过提高中欧科技转化能力实现中国资本股权投资的全球化,并助力中国产业升级。


码报:【j2开奖】上海实习|Cocoon Networks 多职位招募中

About us - As the Europe’s first Chinese capital backed start-up ecosystem, Cocoon Networks is composed of incubator, accelerator, venture capital,media and serviceand IP management, aiming to bridge the Europe and China markets. Our innovation centre - Cocoon Networks London located in the financial and technological heart of London has an area of 64,000sq ft, becoming the largest single-sized incubator in Europe, close to large companies like UBS Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and Bloomberg.

Our ambition- CocoonNetworks intends to establish an international start-up ecosystem that provides360° set of services to start-up companies to help them grow globally. By channellingthe capital from China into the UK and enhancing the efficiency of thetechnology conversion, not only can we accelerate the development of the local start-ups,but also offer entrepreneur in China an opportunity to approach the innovationcircle (VC/PE, IAC), global business and financial market in the UK and the Europe.
