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wzatv:【j2开奖】Here Are The Five Things You Need To Know From L(2)

时间:2017-05-23 00:39来源:本港台直播 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
Jia Yueting claims that Liang Jun is one of the best Internet ecosystem experts LeEco’s ecosystem has nurtured. Maximizing the value of the ecosystem is incredibly crucial. Liang will focus on the l

  Jia Yueting claims that Liang Jun is one of the best Internet ecosystem experts LeEco’s ecosystem has nurtured. Maximizing the value of the ecosystem is incredibly crucial. Liang will focus on the listed company’s strategies and make the corporate structure more reasonable. The company will pay more attention to the products, enabling LeEco to become a product and innovation-driven enterprise. This adjustment would be of great help to Leshi’s development.

  According to Jia, the structural adjustment this time took up a very long time. “The listed company has very high standards for the CEO. We couldn’t find a qualified candidate with both product experience and Internet sense. It’s hard to find such talents in China, or even in the world.”

  Subsequently, a conclusion was drawn: it’s more appropriate to select a director for the listed company through internal training and selection instead of finding an outsider that few knows. “Now we have found the most suitable person. We have been thinking about this for a long time. In fact, we started to have this thought around September last year.”

  On Sun Hongbin: He is not the second biggest shareholder in my eyes, but a friend

  Jia Yueting mentioned that Sun Hongbin, board chair of LeEco’s investor Sunac China, had been having many discussions on Leshi, while his comments on the private companies remained strategic.

  “Sun is not just the second biggest shareholder. He has gradually become a friend. We would have in-depth discussions on the tendencies in the industry. Of course, we have our disagreements. We would expand our discussion meeting once a while. The board will make the important decisions. The management team constantly seeks consensus,” Jia said.

  Jia Yueting believes that a startup shouldn’t be run by a board, but when an enterprise enters a fast-growing period, the management should meet higher standards. “We believe that Leshi has entered a mature phase, a fast-growing period. It’s time for the board to decide the major directions for the company, optimizing the management structure and letting more capable people run the company.”

  On layoffs: Layoffs mainly happened within the private companies

  From Jia Yueting’s view, lay-off is part of the structural shift. Jia revealed that LeEco started to consider structural change since LeEco appeared to have liquidity management issues since October last year. “I prefer to call it personnel optimization instead of layoffs,” Jia commented.

  Jia mentioned that personnel optimization will truly enable the private companies to bring out the best they could offer. The listed company had also had some optimization moves, but it will continue to attract quality professional talents. The private companies focus more on enhancing the efficiency of the organizations and utilizing the current team and talent pool, maximizing the value.

  As for LeSports’ future plan, Jia commented that he wishes that LeSports could be more focused and pay attention to creating value so that LeSports can achieve a profit-loss balance soon. “LeSports’ core value is the users. LeSports’ main focuses in the next phase include member and user acquisition,” Jia said.

  On smartphones: The cash plunge has been a lesson

  Jia brought up that the smartphone business last year created many miracles last year as over 10 million smartphones were sold in the first year, which is quite rare. However, due to the lack of judgment on the liquidity management and precise prediction over gain and loss, the smartphone business didn’t have enough following capital to keep the operation running. The smartphone business eventually entered a shock state in Q4 last year.

  Jia Yueting stated that the smartphone business has a very clear development path, which is to integrate the core competencies in the smartphone field and maximize the value with differentiation advantages. “I believe the smartphone business will generate unique value for this market and bringing different value to users.”

  “I am hoping to accumulate useful experience in the coming up strategy execution and evade the issues occurred in the smartphone business effectively when doing the car business,” he said. “Looking from another perspective, current loss might lead to a rewarding result. This might benefit LeEco’s development in the long run. The lessons we had learned in recent time cost us a lot, but they had also been a studying opportunity for us. Losses helped us improve our skills, acquire better a mindset, especially on the operation management. We learned to put operation management in the top position, and that the car industry consumes a great amount of capital.”

  In addition, Jia also revealed at the press conference that the series A round financing of LeSEE would soon be initiated. “It won’t take long. It would probably be completed in 2017,” Jia said. “Of course we would bring about the products first as soon as possible. We want to let our users experience what it really feels like to drive an Internet car.”

  On the pledge of stock right: The pledged amount has been reduced by 50%

  Jia also stated that the pledged capital has been reduced by nearly 50%, an amount that used to be over ten billion. The pledge rate is also gradually dropping.


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  The article is published with authorization from the author @TMTPost, please note source and hyperlink when reproduce.]

  Translated by Garrett Lee(Senior Translator at PAGE TO PAGE), working for TMTpost.

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