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报码:【j2开奖】【AI领袖发声】全球808名专家,1980名业界领袖联署AI 23 条军规(3)

时间:2017-02-01 17:03来源:报码现场 作者:j2开奖直播 点击:
Stuart Russell University of California, Berkeley, Professor of Computer Science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, co-author of the standard textbook Artificial Intelligence: a Modern A

  Stuart RussellUniversity of California, Berkeley, Professor of Computer Science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, co-author of the standard textbook Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach.

  Peter NorvigGoogle, Research Director

  Ray KurzweilGoogle, Research Director; Inventor, Author and Futurist, author of The Singularity is Near and How to Create a Mind

  Jeff Dean, Google, Inc., Leader of Google Brain project, Google Senior Fellow, member of AAAI, ACM, National Academy of Engineering

  Tom GruberApple; Co-Founder, CTO and VP Design for Siri

  Nils J. Nilsson, Past President of AAAI, Emeritus Kumagai Professor of Engineering, Stanford, member of AAAI

  Francesca RossiIBM & Padova, Professor of Computer Science, IJCAI President and Co-chair of AAAI committee on impact of AI and Ethical Issues, member of ACM

  Bart SelmanCornell, Professor of Computer Science, co-chair of the AAAI presidential panel on long-term AI futures, member of ACM

  Guru BanavarVice President, Cognitive Computing, IBM Research

  Shane LeggDeepMind, Co-Founder

  Mustafa SuleymanDeepMind, Co-Founder

  Leslie Kaelbling, MIT, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, member of AAAI, ACM, IEEE RAS

  Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Cambridge; Deputy Director, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence; Cambridge Director of the Alan Turing Institute and Co-Director, Uber AI Labs, Professor, member of IEEE CS

  Ramon Lopez de Mantaraa, Spanish National Research Council, Director, AI Research Institute, Barcelona, EurAI Fellow, AAAI Robert S. Engelmore award, EurAI Distinguished Service Award, member of AAAI, EurAI (European Association of Artificial Intelligence)

  David Parkes, Harvard University, Professor of Computer Science, AAAI Fellow, member of ACM

  Mark Mattingley-Scott, IBM, IEEE SMC, University Osnabrueck, Principal, member of IEEE CIS, IEEE RAS

  Pierre Marquis, Artois University, Professor of Computer Science, EurAI Fellow

  Bernhard Schölkopf, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Director, member of ACM, IEEE CIS, JMLR, co-editor

  Zlatko Lagumdzija, Professor of Computer Science, former Prime minister of Bosnia and Hercegovina and member of Club de Madrid

  Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo, Professor of Computer Science, AAAI Fellow, member of AAAI

  Ansgar Koene, University of Nottingham, Senior Research Fellow, member of IEEE CS

  Ronald C. Arkin, Georgia Institute of Technology, Regents' Professor of Computer Science, member of AAAI, IEEE CS, IEEE RAS, IEEE Social Implications of Technology Society

  Dileep George, Vicarious, Co-Founder

  Grady Booch, IBM, Chief Scientist, Watson/M, member of AAAI, IEEE CS

  Anca DraganUniversity of California at Berkeley, Assistant Professor of EECS

  Roman YampolskiyUniversity of Louisville, Associate Professor; founder of the Cyber Security Lab

  Stefano ErmonStanford University, Assistant Professor of Computer Science

  Dan WeldUniversity of Washington, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering

  Toby WalshUniversity of New South Wales & NICTA, Professor of AI, President of the AI Access Foundation

  Tomaso PoggioMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor of of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Director of Center for Brains, Minds and Machines

  Steve OmohundroPresident of Possibility Research and Self-Aware Systems

  Michael WellmanUniversity of Michigan, Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, AAAI Fellow, member of ACM

  Yutaka MatsuoUniversity of Tokyo, Professor of Computer Science

  Gregory BonnetEthicaa; University of Caen Normandy, Assistant Professor

  Marty TenenbaumAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence; Cancer Commons

  Vincent ConitzerDuke University, Professor of New Technologies

  Kristinn R. ThorissonReykjavik University, Associate Professor; Managing Director of Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines

  Neil LawrenceUniversity of Sheffield, Professor of Computer Science and Neuroscience; Amazon Research Cambridge

  Ian GoodfellowOpenAI, AI researcher

  David Poole, University of British Columbia, Professor of Computer Science, Director of Laboratory for Computational Intelligence at UBC, member of AAAI, CAIAC

  Kevin Leyton-Brown, University of British Columbia, Professor of Computer Science and AI researcher, member of AAAI, ACM

  Andy Chun, Hon Wai, City University of Hong Kong, Professor of Computer Science, member of AAAI

  Van Hoai Tran, Faculty of computer science & engineering, Ho Chi Minh City university of technology, Associate professor of computer science

  Murray Shanahan, Imperial College London, Professor of Cognitive Robotics

  Rand Hindi, Snips, CEO

  Tom Schaul, DeepMind, AI researcher
