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时间:2016-11-14 00:10来源:118论坛 作者:开奖直播现场 点击:
偷了一周懒,感谢关注缓慢思考! 原文来自Medium网站,作者是Shane。生活中的很多人都有求知若渴的好习惯,但是结果却常常是:对知识知其一而不知其二。 原因在于我们的学习方法



  I wasn’t always a good learner. I thought learning was all about the hours you put in. Then I discovered something that changed my life.


  The famous Nobel winning physicist Richard Feynmanunderstood the difference between “knowing something” and “knowing the name of something”and it’s one of the most important reasons for his success.


  Feynman stumbled upon a formula for learningthat ensured he understood something better than everyone else.


  It’s called the Feynman Techniqueand it will help you learn anything deeper, and faster. The topic, subject, or concept you want to learn doesn’t matter. Pick anything. The Feynman Technique works for everything. Best of all, it’s incredibly simple to implement.


  The catch: It’s ridiculously humbling.


  Not only is this a wonderful method of learning but it’s also a window into a different way of thinking. Let me explain


  There are three steps to the Feynman Technique.


  Step 1: Teach it to a child步骤1:教给孩子)

  Take out a blank sheet of paper and write the subject you want to learn at the top. Write out what you know about the subject as if you were teaching it to a child. Not your smart adult friend but rather an 8-year-old who has just enough vocabulary and attention span to understand basic concepts and relationships.


  A lot of people tend to use complicated vocabulary and jargon to mask when they don’t understand something. The problem is we only fool ourselves because we don’t know that we don’t understand. In addition, using jargon conceals our misunderstanding from those around us.


  When you write out an idea from start to finish in simple language that a child can understand (tip: use only the most common words), you force yourself to understand the concept at a deeper level and simplify relationships and connections between ideas. If you struggle, you have a clear understanding of where you have some gaps. That tension is good –it heralds an opportunity to learn.

  当你用简单的语言从头到尾写出一个想法,让一个孩子可以理解(提示:只使用最常用的单词),你强迫自己在更深层次了解这个概念,j2直播,简化了想法之间的关系和连接。如果你感到痛苦,你就可以清楚的知道哪里还有差距。那种紧张是好的— 预示着学习的机会。

  Step 2: Review (步骤2:回顾)

  In step one, you will inevitably encounter gaps in your knowledge where you’re forgetting something important, are not able to explain it, or simply have trouble connecting an important concept.


  This is invaluable feedback because you’ve discovered the edge of your knowledge. Competence is knowing the limit of your abilities,and you’ve just identified one!


  This is where the learning starts. Now you know where you got stuck, go back to the sourcematerial and re-learn it until you can explain it in basic terms.


  Identifying the boundaries of your understanding also limits the mistakes you’re liable to make and increases your chance of success when applying knowledge.


  Step 3: Organize and Simplify步骤3:组织和简化)
