媒体训练营10月12日报道 文/王弘
atv直播,CEO打鸡血" src="http://www.wzatv.cc/atv/uploads/allimg/161013/1001355927_0.jpg" /> Twitter首席执行官Jack Dorsey于本周一向员工发送了一个内部信,在这份内部信中,没有提到任何有关潜在对外出售交易的问题,相反,Jack Dorsey试图用“直播”战略重振员工士气。 潜在收购者似乎越来越少 据外媒报道,Twitter的潜在收购者有云计算的先驱企业Salesforce.com、华特迪士尼和谷歌。 兴趣最大的当属Salesforce的 CEO马克·贝尼奥夫(Marc Benioff),但其投资人不停向这笔交易施压,对贝尼奥夫和Salesforce的公关团队表示不支持收购Twitter。不过据外媒透露,Salesforce依旧在仔细考虑是否应该向Twitter发出收购要约。 此外,开奖,迪士尼在做完严格评估后,看起来似乎准备放弃兴趣收购。花旗集团的分析师认为,迪士尼不太可能会收购Twitter,从AOL与时代华纳这一失败案例来看,科技公司与传统传媒公司之间的合并交易很难有好结果。 而有钱任性的谷歌,最近也没有再流出收购的风声。谷歌在这次的收购传闻中出奇的沉默,但业界人士认为,谷歌是最有实力也能最大化协同效应的收购方。 CEO内部信还在打鸡血 JackDorsey认为Twitter是“人们的新闻网络”,人们选择Twitter,是因为Twitter已经成为获取信息最快的地方,并且能够以最快速度将信息传向全球。未来,Twitter将致力于变成“第一”,是人们查看发生了什么重要信息的第一个平台。 Twitter的发言人克里斯汀·宾斯(KristinBinns)拒绝对内部信发表评论。 ALEXBRUMMER(《每日邮报》)发布评论称,这是社交媒体巨头Twitter的一次痛苦斗争,但投资者不应放弃希望。 以下为其内部信截取: Hi team! I've served as CEO for one year now. There's a lot I could say, but there's only onething I want to say: Thank you. This team has so much purpose, so much resilience, and so much heart. You've workedso hard to make Twitter matter. I know it hasn't been easy. But we are seeing people want to use our service more every single day. Step by step... We spent a good part of the year getting to the truth. The most important truth is what we are and why we're here: Twitter is what's happening, and what everyone is talking about (literally!). News and talk. We're the people's news network. People choose us for news because we're the fastest. Fastest to get news, and fastest to share news with the whole world. Now let's strive to be the first. The first place people check to see what's happening…and the first place to break what's happening. In the moment LIVE, or a fast recap of what we know so far…what matters. We're only limited by our sense of urgency. Life is short. Every day matters. And the people who use Twitter every day deserve our best. They are why we're here. Solet's show them what we're made of and deliver a better Twitter faster than they thought possible. We can do this every day. We can do this! I'll end by expressing gratitude for my immediate team. (责任编辑:本港台直播) |